SEF Women Partners Drive Change in Education Through Entrepreneurship.

SEF Women Partners Drive Change in Education Through Entrepreneurship.
  • April 25, 2024
  • 979

On Tuesday in Hyderabad, the Sindh Education Foundation (SEF) held a conference with the theme "Role of Women Entrepreneurs (SEF School Partners) in the Development of Education."

The event brought together women entrepreneurs who are also SEF partners from all across Sindh in order to investigate the impacts and successes of female entrepreneurs in rural and urban areas with the assistance of SEF.

Female speakers Shahpara Rizvi, Musarat Palijo, and Shazia Solangi assert that women who take the lead in any community typically receive more support from stakeholders and other community members. Positive feedback has been received on the school's enrollment of girls; the parents of these pupils report feeling more comfortable and secure.

Sadia Khalid, Bushra Shah, Shahnaz Begum, Kishwer Jabeen, Shazia Mir, and Zeenat were among the partners that deliberated over around six presentations pertaining to diverse topics. They talked about their experiences and described how they switched from using outdated mechanisms and digital learning to more modern ones.

Without the empowerment, encouragement, and support of SEF, we could not have succeeded. We never imagined that we would one day be held in high regard by society as role models. In the past, women in rural areas sought jobs that could be done from home. However, parents are now enrolling their children in school because they believe that education is the sole means of bringing about change in light of our educational accomplishments," the statement said.

The importance of community involvement in schools was emphasised by Abdul Jabbar Mari, Director of HR and P&P, during his presentation. He stressed that while communities play a vital role in fostering optimism, it is unreasonable to expect a failed community to succeed without making an investment. Investing in communities to help them realise their significance yields better results.

You can foster greater community trust by recognising their ability to send their children to school. Women excel in this role because they are particularly adept at creating encouraging environments. Whether they are spouses, daughters, sisters, or mothers, they are the picture of perfection. We take great pride in the connections we have. Mari went on.

Keynote speaker and educationist Ms. Rana Hussain expressed surprise at the women's partners' intelligence. According to her, the six speakers were inspirational individuals who, through their business ventures in education, had sparked change in their local communities. She maintained that cheerfulness ought to become embedded in popular culture and that a more gloomy attitude was necessary.

Ms. Hussain emphasised that Sindh is the only province in Pakistan where education is provided in the mother tongue, emphasising the duty of every woman to increase public awareness, particularly among those who are wealthy.

In his closing remarks, Managing Director Abdul Kabir Kazi thanked the female partners who attended the conference from various regions. He made the observation that although all of the speakers, experienced and novice alike, showed intelligence, greater recognition should go to the elder partners' experiences, struggles, and labours because of their perseverance in overcoming the most formidable challenges in their communities. Mr. Kazi underlined the remarkable success of SEF, pointing out that roughly 260 women are in charge of 300 schools.

He declared the opening of the 300 schools to the "Care for Life" programme, which teaches kids how to get along with other people, animals, and the environment. Mr. Kazi was optimistic about women's ability to promote these ideals. At the conclusion of the conference, six presenters and attendees received gratitude awards.

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