Pakistan Unveils SDG 4 Mid-Term Review Report to Boost Education Progress

- February 13, 2025
- 309
Today at Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, the government and the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Pakistan unveiled the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4) Mid-Term Review Report.
Today at Allama Iqbal Open University in Islamabad, the government, in collaboration with UNESCO Pakistan, unveiled the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (SDG-4) Mid-Term Review Report.
Ahsan Iqbal, the minister of planning, is the main guest speaker. He underlined the necessity of improved governance and more funding for the education system.
He emphasized the significance of the SDG-4 MTR report, which offers specific suggestions to improve the performance of the education system in accordance with the 2030 Education Agenda.
To promote national prosperity, Ahsan Iqbal also advocated raising Pakistan's literacy rate to 90%. He called for more investment for education from the federal and provincial governments.
He emphasized the URAAN Pakistan program, which places a high priority on education and seeks significant advancements by 2047.
It is important to note that the report examines Pakistan's progress in ensuring that everyone has access to high-quality, inclusive, and equitable education by 2030, noting obstacles and plans for the future.