How to Earn Through Freelancing From Home in Pakistan

How to Earn Through Freelancing From Home in Pakistan
  • September 12, 2024
  • 398

Freelancing means getting paid to work for an individual or company in any country on the Internet. People in Pakistan can earn money through the internet in many ways. Freelance is a medium that is gaining popularity among the youth of Pakistan.

The Rise of Freelancing in Pakistan

Its biggest advantage is that it does not require people to go to an office, but they can work remotely (i.e., in the absence of a computer). Freelancing is becoming an important source of income for individuals and a preferred occupation for a large number of young people.

Freelancing is growing rapidly in Pakistan as compared to other countries. According to a report, more than 150 thousand people are doing freelancing in Pakistan, by which they are contributing one billion dollars to the country's economy. Thus, Pakistan is in the fourth position among the countries with the highest freelancing on the global level.

Top Freelancing Skills

Most of the work on web design is done all over the world, including Pakistan. This is followed by graphic design and then writing. Freelancing requires excellent skills, ethics, and discipline. Some people believe that more money can be made from it.

Freelancing is one way in which you can start your new company and get good compensation from your work. But to be a good freelancer, you need to be organized, honest, and professional.

Road to Successful Freelancer in Pakistan

What is the rate of freelancing in Pakistan, what are its main features, and what are the problems faced by freelancers in Pakistan? I talked to Tufail Ahmed, CEO of the Pakistan Freelancers Association, about this, the details of which are available to the readers.

Tufail Ahmed started his conversation and said that first of all we need to understand what freelancing is?

In freelancing, you are not associated with a single organization or person, but you are associated with a task, i.e., any task or project that you have to do in a limited period of time is called freelancing.

In this, you can work with many organizations or people at the same time. Freelancing makes you independent; you are your own boss; you decide what projects to work on and how to plan. And money can be earned in it by the hour.

Which plans to take, which projects to work on—make your own strategies. The most important thing is that freelancers get paid in dollars because 99.9% of the work is done from abroad, so the project rates are also quite different. To be independent, to decide one's own work, to work one's own will, to find one's own work.

Freelancing is a huge field; it is not a job. When you become a freelancer in a field, you get an identity; you get a fixed hourly rate. When it is converted into Pakistani currency, it becomes good money.

What are the main points of freelancing? In this regard, Tufail Ahmed says that there are some steps of freelancing: first of all, do your own counseling or get it from an expert to know what you are good at.

Then find out what you are good at or have experience in and want to do. For example, if someone is good at writing, then they should do their counseling in terms of writing.

If someone is good at speaking or has a good voice, then he should get himself hired as a voice-over artist. If someone has good art, then he should go for it; if someone has marketing skills, then he can do freelancing in this field. is   So that you can do freelancing according to your expertise in different fields.

The first step is to choose your field by consulting or getting it done. It is not necessary that you choose one thing, but according to your skills, you can work in many fields at the same time.

In the second step. It is seen what you are good at and what you are capable of; making a portfolio is a must. Whether you are new to the field or have been working for many years, making your portfolio is a must.

In the third step, do a pro-file in the field you are an expert in. Video editor, graphic designer, voiceover artist, Urdu writer, English writer, and animator in whatever you are expert in.

After doing all this, in the fourth step you have to see where these capabilities can be used. For this, there are many websites where you can create an account after registering. 

For example, Upwork, Fiver,, LinkedIn, TopTel, and other international platforms are there that give you multiple options.

Videos on how to create an account on all these platform forms are also available on the YouTube. After registering on the website, tell about the field you specialize in, show your portfolio, and tell your charges in dollars per hour.

Challenges in Freelancing

One of the disadvantages of being limited to one platform is that sometimes freelancers don't get work for a few days, and then they get frustrated and quit freelancing.

That's why most freelancers work on more than one platform. Freelancing is not an overnight job; you can sit in any corner of the world and do it at any time you want. Regarding the rate of freelancing in Pakistan, he said that at the moment about 1 million people are freelancing. are doing

Freelancing Future in Pakistan

The good news is that Pakistan's freelancing ranks fourth worldwide. It's a big deal that our youth talent ranks fourth in terms of freelancing.

This thing plays an important role in improving the economy of the country, because the more people do freelancing, the more deliveries there will be and the more the economy of the country will improve.

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In this regard, the Pakistan Freelancers Association has prepared a list of universities approved by HEC and has started signing MoUs with these universities. Since last year, freelancing sessions have been organized in various universities across Pakistan and have conducted sessions in more than twenty universities so far.

The purpose of starting this work is to make these students self-confident and, during education, to tell them what freelancing is. We do not conduct any courses; we only provide awareness.

The benefit of this is that when these students graduate from the university, they will be skilled in their fields and can easily do freelancing in them. And those who are already freelancing are trying to increase their skills considering their level. For example, if someone is earning 100 dollars, we tell him the method by which he can earn 1000 dollars.

Provide awareness about artificial intelligence, chat GPT, machine learning, cybersecurity, and robotics so that they can increase their income. One important thing is that as new technologies are introduced, freelancers need to update their skills so that their work changes, and this also makes a difference in income.

One thing is that as technologies are introduced, people's tasks are also changing, and those who don't change their skills are either earning the same or they leave the job.

Has freelancing been affected by the arrival of artificial intelligence? In response to this question, he says that artificial intelligence has also been created by a human being, and do you know that in the future we will use ChatGPT4 from ChatGPT? Ask to make a T5. I think all this is proving to be very helpful for freelancers. People are using it a lot; it's happening fast.

We can take help from AI, but a human writing style will be brought by itself. In the future, the trend of people will increase towards freelancing? About this, he says that in the coming times, not only in Pakistan but also in the whole world, a large number of people will come towards freelancing. 


In this era, everyone wants to work from home or anywhere in the world, and those who are working want to become freelance trainers and share their knowledge with people. It is a very good platform for stay-at-home women, and many women are also doing freelancing.

Children who are interested in games and animation will also be attracted towards freelancing in the future. There is only a lack of awareness in this regard in Pakistan. Pakistan will move from 4th to 2nd or 3rd position in freelancing, and the country can also develop due to this.

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