University of Genoa

The University of Genoa is a prestigious public university located in Genoa, Italy. It is one of the oldest universities in Italy, founded by Pope Sixtus IV on October 5, 1481. The University of Genoa is a multicampus university, with its main campuses located in different areas of the city. The primary campuses are Campus of Genoa University City, Campus of Savona and Campus of Imperia.

The university is known for its excellence in education and research, offering a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields of study. The major faculties at the University of Genoa are Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Planning, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics, and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Political Sciences, Faculty of Communication Sciences, Faculty of Sociology and Faculty of Education Sciences.

The University of Genoa is affiliated with various research institutions, both within Italy and internationally. It actively collaborates with other universities, research centers, and organizations to promote scientific advancements and interdisciplinary research.

The University of Genoa has been ranked in the 601-650 range globally in the QS World University Rankings and 501-600 range globally in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

All Courses & Degrees

Course / Degree name Level Subject
Bachelor Of Science In Architecture Bachelors Architecture
Bachelor Of Science In Nautical product design Bachelors Nautical product design
Bachelor Of Science In Product and Communication Design Bachelors Product and Communication Design
Bachelor Of Science In Architecture and Design Bachelors Architectural Design
Bachelor Of Science In Economics Bachelors Economics
Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelors Business Administration
Bachelor Of Science In Economics and Finance Bachelors Economics
Bachelor Of Science In Law and Business Administration Bachelors Law and Business Administration
Bachelor of Science In Maritime, Logistics, and Transport Economics and Business Bachelors Economics and Business
Bachelor Of Science In Tourism Sciences: Territory, Culture and Business Bachelors Tourism Sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Legal services In Business and Public Administration Bachelors Business Administration
Bachelor Of Science In Social Work Bachelors Social Work
Bachelor Of Science In Biomedical Engineering Bachelors Biomedical Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Chemical and Processes Engineering Bachelors Chemical and Processes Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Civil and Environmental Engineering Bachelors Civil and Environmental Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Computer Engineering Bachelors Computer Science
Bachelor Of Science In Energy Engineering Bachelors Energy Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Electrical Engineering Bachelors Electrical Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Electronic Engineering and Information Technology Bachelors Electronic Engineering and Information Technology
Bachelor Of Science In Industrial Technologies Bachelors Industrial Technologies
Bachelor Of Science In Management Engineering Bachelors Management Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Maritime Science and Technology Bachelors Science and Technology Studies
Bachelor Of Science In Mechanical Engineering Bachelors Mechanical Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Bachelors Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Pleasure Craft Engineering Bachelors Pleasure Craft Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Technologies for Building and Territory Bachelors Building and Territory
Bachelor Of Science In Conservation of Cultural Heritage Bachelors Urban and Cultural Heritage
Bachelor Of Science In History Bachelors History
Bachelor Of Science In Letters and humanities Bachelors Letters and humanities
Bachelor Of Science In Philosophy Bachelors Philosophy
Bachelor Of Science In Modern Languages and Cultures Bachelors Languages and Cultures
Bachelor Of Science In Theories and Techniques of Interlingual Mediation Bachelors Interlingual Mediation
Bachelor Of Science In Biomedical Laboratory Techniques Bachelors Biomedical Laboratory Techniques
Bachelor Of Science in Biotechnology Bachelors Biotechnology
Bachelor Of Science In Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques Bachelors Cardiocirculatory and Cardiovascular Perfusion Techniques
Bachelor Of Science In Dental Hygiene Bachelors Dental Hygiene
Bachelor Of Science In Dietetic studies Bachelors Dietetics
Bachelor Of Science In Healthcare studies Bachelors Healthcare studies
Bachelor Of Science In Imaging and Radiotherapy Techniques Bachelors Radiology and Medical Imaging
Bachelor Of Science In Midwifery Bachelors Midwifery
Bachelor Of Science In Movement, Sport and Health Sciences Bachelors Sports Medicine
Bachelor Of Science In Nursing Bachelors Nursing
Bachelor Of Science In Orthopaedics Techniques Bachelors Orthopaedics Techniques
Bachelor Of Science In Orthoptic Studies and Ophthalmological Assistance Bachelors Orthoptic and Ophtalmologic
Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) Bachelors Physiotherapy
Bachelor Of Science In Podology Bachelors Podology
Bachelor Of Science In Podology Bachelors Podology
Bachelor Of Science In Speech and Language Pathology Bachelors Speech & Language Pathology
Bachelor Of Science In Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques Bachelors Environment and Workplace Prevention Techniques
Bachelor Of Science In Professional Education Bachelors Professional Education
Bachelor Of Science In Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques Bachelors Psychiatric Rehabilitation Techniques
Bachelor Of Science In Pediatric Nursing Bachelors Nursing
Bachelor Of Science In Therapy of Motor Disability In the Pediatric Age Bachelors Therapy of Motor Disability
Bachelor Of Science In Educational Sciences Bachelors Educational Sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Media, Communication and Society Bachelors Media and Communications
Bachelor Of Science In Psychological Sciences and Techniques Bachelors Psychological Sciences and Techniques
Bachelor Of Science(Hons) In Biological Sciences Bachelors Biological Sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Chemistry and Chemical Technologies Bachelors Chemistry
Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science Bachelors Computer Science
Bachelor Of Science In Environmental and Natural Sciences Bachelors Environmental and Natural Sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Earth Sciences Bachelors Earth Sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Materials Science Bachelors Materials Science
Bachelor Of Science In Mathematical Statistics and Data Management Bachelors Mathematical Statistics and Data Management
Bachelor Of Science In Mathematics Bachelors Mathematics
Bachelor Of Science In Physics Bachelors Physics
Bachelor Of Science In Administrative and Political Sciences Bachelors Political Science
Bachelor Of Science In International and Diplomatic Sciences Bachelors International and diplomatic sciences
Bachelor Of Science In Policies, Governance and Information of Sport Bachelors Policies and governance
Master of Pharmacy Masters Pharmacy
Master Of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology Masters Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Single Cycle Master In Law Graduate Law
Single Cycle Master In Medicine and Surgery Graduate Medicine and Surgery
Single Cycle Master In Dental Medicine Graduate Dental Medicine
Single Cycle Master In Political Sciences Masters Political Science
Master In Architectural Composition Masters Architectural Composition
Master Of Architecture Masters Architecture
Master Of Green Areas and Landscape Design Masters Landscape Design
Master Of Product and Event Design Masters Product and event design
Master Of Vessel and Yacht Design Masters Vessel and Yacht Design
Master Of Accounting and Finance Masters Accounting & Finance
Master Of Economics and Data Science Masters Data Science
Master of Management Masters Management
Master Of Management For Energy and Environmental Transition Masters Energy and Environmental Transition
Master Of Maritime and Port Management Masters Maritime and Port Management
Master Of Social Welfare and Social Policy Masters Social Welfare and Social Policy
Master of Architectural Engineering Masters Architectural Studies
Master Of Bioengineering Masters Bioengineering
Master Of Chemical and Processes Engineering Masters Chemical and Processes Engineering
Master of Engineering (Civil) Masters Engineering (Civil)
Master Of Computer Engineering Masters Computer Engineering
Master Of Digital Humanities - Interactive Systems and Digital Media Masters Digital Humanities
Master Of Energy Engineering Masters Energy Engineering
Master Of Engineering for Building Retrofitting Masters Building Retrofitting
Master Of Engineering for Natural Risk Management Masters Natural Risk Management
Master Of Engineering Technology for Strategy and Security Masters Engineering Technology
Master of Engineering (Environmental) Masters Engineering (Environmental)
Master of Engineering (Electrical) Masters Engineering (Electrical)
Master Of Internet and Multimedia Engineering Masters Internet and Multimedia Engineering
Master Of Management Engineering Masters Management Engineering
Master Of Mechanical Engineering Design and Production Masters Mechanical Engineering
Master Of Mechanical Engineering Energy and Aeronautics Masters Mechanical Engineering
Master Of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Masters Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Master Of Robotics Engineering Masters Robotics
Master Of Safety Engineering for Transport, Logistics and Production Masters Safety Engineering
Master Of Yacht Design Masters Yacht Design
Master Of Archeology Masters Archaeology
Master Of Art History and Artistic Heritage Management Masters Art History
Master Of Historical Sciences Masters Historical Sciences
Master Of Modern Literatures and Performing Art Masters Literature
Master Of Philology, Literature and History of Antiquity Masters Philosophy
Master Of Modern Languages and Literatures for Cultural Services Masters Languages and Literacies Education
Master of Translation and Interpreting Masters Translation and Interpreting
Master Of Health Professions of Rehabilitation Sciences Masters Rehabilitation Sciences
Master Of Medical Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Masters Biotechnology
Master Of Nursing and Obstetrics Masters Nursing and Obstetrics
Master Of Preventive and Adapted Sport and Physical Sciences Masters Sport and Exercise Science
Master Of Sciences of Diagnostic Technical Health Professions Masters Health Professions Education
Master Of Sports Sciences and Methologies Masters Sports
Master Of Development of Territories and Sustainable Tourisms Masters Sustainable Tourism
Master Of Pedagogy, Educational Planning and Research Masters Pedagogy, Educational Planning and Research
Master of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) Masters Clinical Psychology
Master Of Applied and Experimental Biology Masters Applied and Experimental Biology
Masters In Computer Science Masters Computer Science
Master Of Chemical Sciences Masters Chemical Sciences
Master Of Geological Sciences Masters Geological Sciences
Master of Industrial Research (Chemistry) Masters Industrial Research (Chemistry)
Master Of Marine Biology and Ecology Masters Marine Biology
Master Of Material Science and Technology Masters Material Science and Technology
Master of Mathematics Masters Mathematics
Master In Physics Masters Physics
Master Of Techniques For Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritages Masters Urban and Cultural Heritage
Master Of Administration and Public Policies Masters Administration and Public Policy
Masters In International Relations M.Phil International Relations
Master Of News, Media and Publishing Masters Media Studies
Doctor Of Philosophy In Marine Sciences and Technologies PhD Marine Sciences and Technologies
Doctor Of Philosophy In Economics and Quantitative Methods PhD Quantitative Methods
Doctor Of Philosophy In Security, Risk and Vulnerability PhD Security Studies
Doctor Of Philosophy In Strategic Engineering and Decision Methods PhD Strategic Engineering and Decision Methods
Doctor Of Philosophy In Law PhD Law
Doctor Of Philosophy In Bioengineering and Robotics PhD Bioengineering
Doctor Of Philosophy In Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering PhD Engineering (Environmental)
Doctor Of Philosophy In Computer Science and Systems Engineering PhD Computer Science
Doctor Of Philosophy In European Studies PhD European Studies
Doctor Of Philosophy In Social Science PhD Social Sciences
Doctor Of Philosophy In Mathematics and Applications PhD Mathematics
Doctor Of Philosophy In Physics and Nanosciences PhD Physics and Nanosciences
Doctor Of Philosophy In Science and Technology for the Environment and Territory PhD Science and Technology Studies
Doctor Of Philososphy In Sciences and Technologies of Chemistry and Materials PhD Chemistry and Materials
Doctor Of Philosophy In Paediatric Sciences PhD Paediatric sciences
Doctor Of Philosophy In Neuroscience PhD Neuroscience
Doctor Of Philosophy In Haemato-oncology and Clinical Translational Internal Medicine PhD Internal Medicine
Doctor Of Philosophy In Experimental Medicine PhD Experimental Medicine
Doctor Of Philosophy In Clinical and Experimental Immunology PhD Immunology
Doctor Of Philosophy In Biotechnologies In Translational Medicine PhD Translational Medicine
Doctor Of Philosophy In Digital Humanities, Digital Technologies, Arts, Languages, Cultures and Communication PhD Digital Humanities
Doctor Of Philosophy In Science and Technology for Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering PhD Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering
Doctor Of Philosophy In Science and Technology for Electrical Engineering, Complex Systems for Mobility PhD Science and Technology Studies
Doctor Of Philosophy In Robotics and Intelligent Machines PhD Robotics and Intelligent Machine Engineering
Doctor Of Philosophy In Mechanical, Energy and Management Engineering PhD Mechanical Engineering
Joint Doctorate In Interactive and Cognitive environments Doctor Interactive and Cognitive environments
Doctor Of Philosophy In Engineering of Models, Machine and Systems for Energy, Environment and Transport PhD Machine Learning