Madrassa Hifzul Quran

Madrassa Hifzul Quran Lahore is an educational institution that provides hifz (memorization) of the Quran Majeed. These madrasahs are generally for young boys, but some madrasahs also provide hifz education to girls. In Madrassa Hifzul Quran, students memorize the verses of the Quran Majeed and develop their recitation skills.

The purpose of Madrassa Hifzul Quran is to help students memorize and understand the Quran Majeed. It assist students in developing their religious knowledge and spirituality. Madrassa Hifzul Quran also plays a vital role in preserving Islamic culture and heritage.

Madrassa Hifzul Quran generally follows a regular curriculum. This curriculum usually focuses on hifz of Quran Majeed, Arabic language education, Islamic theology and law, and moral education.

In Madrassa Hifzul Quran, students typically study hifz for several hours each day. They work with their teachers, who help them memorize the verses of the Quran Majeed and develop their recitation skill.

All Courses & Degrees

Course / Degree name Level Subject
Hifzul Quran Course Course Quran