Education for national unity.

Education for national unity.
  • June 20, 2024
  • 182

It is a well-known fact that many people still believe that females do not need to attend private schools because of their expensive tuition. In fact, most households send their girls to government schools while their brothers attend private ones.

Many girls, even in remote regions, are not sent to school at all because it is believed that they do not require an education. The modern global economy is knowledge-based. In order to accomplish this goal, we must instill education as a cultural norm and alter society's conventional viewpoint.

There are still numerous educational systems in use in our nation.

Education professionals should be provided with incentives to increase their productivity, and the social sector should support the government in its attempts to modernize the educational system. The infrastructure in schools needs to be improved in order to lower the dropout rate, which is regrettably very high in Pakistan (22.8 million children between the ages of 5 and 16 are not in school).

To improve students' reasoning skills for conceptual learning and the development of their thinking faculties, the curriculum should place a greater emphasis on analytical thinking and practical skills. It is recommended that teachers undergo organized training that includes instruction in the use of contemporary technology, digital platforms, online resources, and e-learning.

Utilizing contemporary teaching techniques can boost students' interest and help them cope with the pressures of the classroom. Our students won't be able to keep up with the world if we don't teach them how to utilize IT well.

Pakistan's inability to generate scientists of the highest caliber might be attributed to its disregard for intellectual creativity. It is important to support research. Pakistani kids who excel academically across the globe ought to be highlighted in the media to encourage other pupils.

Strict measures should be taken by the authorities against private schools built on extremely small properties. When a school opens, a specific location should be set aside because young children do require wholesome sports activities and a playground.

The majority of students are unaware of careers in fields like meteorology, data science, cosmology, space science, and graphic design. There is no doubting Pakistani kids' exceptional talent, but they need to be properly mentored and their efforts directed in the right directions.

It's a common misconception in Pakistan that competition is the foundation for success. Learning ought to take precedence over rivalry. What will happen if a student is supposedly unable to pass the exam with flying colors? The world will not end, and the heavens will not collapse.

Regretfully, a lot of parents nowadays constantly remind their children that they need to receive more than 90%, which is a bad strategy. Parents should focus on raising their children to be positive members of society who instill compassion, generosity, and a sense of service to humanity. Instead of engaging in a cutthroat competition where the goal is to obtain success by any means necessary, they should raise their children to be constructive members of society.

The majority of grading systems are competitive, which places undue strain on pupils. As a result, traits like decisiveness and clarity of thought are disregarded, and these pupils struggle to deal with the complexities of real-world situations.

Unnecessary pressure from an unhealthy competition to receive higher scores also confines students to their studies, preventing them from developing social skills, interpersonal conflict avoidance, and acceptance and agreement.

Students are becoming less focused on their studies as a result of too much entertainment. Teenagers in Pakistan are said to spend seven to eight hours a day online. As a result, students attention spans for their courses have likewise gotten shorter.

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