Climate Changes and Threats to the World

Climate Changes and Threats to the World
  • September 25, 2024
  • 446

Due to climate change, the planet is burning, and millions of people are dying in this fire. The G-20 countries are responsible for 80 percent of greenhouse gas emissions, while Pakistan and other developing countries bear the brunt.

The climate change crisis is a case in point for the study of moral and economic inequality. The current world is facing many problems, including food security, climate change, and rising prices of agricultural commodities and products.

The Climate Crisis and Its Impact

Many countries are facing natural disasters due to climate change. Unusual rains are causing havoc worldwide. Countries least responsible for climate change are facing the worst consequences. The affected countries are waiting for concrete measures from the international community.

Developed countries like the G20 must come forward to provide special assistance to developing countries. The whole world is addicted to fossil fuels. It's time to end this addiction and hold the oil and fuel companies and their agents accountable.

Fossil Fuel and Accountability

Fossil fuel consumption leads to industrial development, which in turn causes environmental degradation. Experts predicted more than 20 years ago that the world will experience both droughts and floods at the same time as a result of climate change.

Rivers may overflow as a result of glacier melting, and certain areas will experience dryness. In Pakistan, there is flooding and rain. While there is a drought in some parts of Latin America and Africa.

Global Warnings Ignored

At least two decades ago, environmentalists warned that we were speeding towards the doomsday on the chariot of weather, but we did not take seriously the warnings of scientists and thinkers. Five years ago, it was first reported that the millions of years-old ice-covered rocks in Antarctica were disappearing due to temperatures reaching 20 degrees Celsius.

When last year the temperature in Vancouver and Seattle districts on the west coast of Canada and America set a record of forty-five degrees Celsius for the first time, we assumed it was just a coincidence.

When UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said at the World Environment Summit in Birmingham last year that we may be running out of time, rapid changes in temperature suggest that eight years from now many regions of the world will become unbearable. We thought it was just speculation. It happens a little, but today's climate is telling that there is no scientist or a strategist blowing the horn of danger, but instead we are complacent and careless about the future, and today we are suffering the consequences of mismanagement.

Impact of Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution also includes bad marine and air pollution, and due to these pollutions, humans, animals, birds, and even plants are being badly affected because they do not have such open air, clean air, and fresh environment. Not available, in which they can breathe healthy. The atmosphere we are breathing today. It has become highly polluted with various chemical compounds, which is constantly harming life on the planet and the terrestrial environment.

Related Article: LIQUID3: A Revolutionary Idea to Regain the Green Environment.

We first started cutting down the forests, taking immense amounts of sand and gravel from the rivers, which brought salt water back to the surface of the rivers. It has taken large numbers of fish from the seas and made them its food, thereby endangering the existence of marine life. Deforestation has reduced oxygen in the atmosphere. The beauty of nature was obscured by the fumes from factories and vehicles, and the entire atmosphere became toxic. The presence of chemical wastes from factories and factories in seas and rivers poisoned the water. Air pollution has made a hole in the protective layer of the atmosphere, the earth's ozone, from which the ultraviolet waves along with the strong rays of the sun have reached the surface of the earth in large quantities. began to intensify.

Water and soil pollution

Among the toxic and polluting elements in our air are carbon, lead, and sulfur compounds, along with the various compounds contained in automobiles and exhaust fumes. Lead affects the human nervous system and mind, while sulfur compounds cause acid rain, which affects humans as well as flora and fauna. And yield and quality of crops are also affected.

Smoke and waste from factory chimneys are discharged into rivers and streams, which are polluting the water. In addition to sulfur and nitrogen compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocarbons, hydrogen sulfide, chromium, lead, and copper, dangerous metals such as arsenic are also included, which cause many types of damage and diseases to our health, such as heart diseases and neurological diseases. Diseases, mental and physical diseases, stomach diseases, kidney diseases, and malignant diseases like cancer can occur.

Kidney and stomach diseases are mainly caused by water pollution, and along with this, various types of bacteria present in polluted water provide favorable conditions for breeding in the human body, which prove to be dangerous.

Another cause of seawater pollution is oil spills from ships that spread to the surface of the water and prevent oxygen from entering the water, depriving aquatic life, and many birds, fish, etc.

Various types of harmful gases and toxic compounds are continuously polluting the environment due to the burning of garbage, trees, and forests. Various medicines are used to protect crops and other goods from various diseases and pests. These drugs not only pollute our air but also our food.

Pollution in Developing Countries

Environmental pollution is emerging as such a serious and dangerous problem for us today that if not addressed, in the coming days our environment will lose its naturalness and the coming generations will suffer from various diseases and become a part of society. will make it a tormented society, as the environmental pollution is increasing continuously, climate change is also happening rapidly around the world, and experts are calling climate change a bigger threat than terrorism.

Pollution has become the most serious problem of our time. The developed countries are trying to control the pollution to some extent by using the resources, but the developing countries, which are suffering from a lack of resources, are not able to control the pollution. Unable to get. Asian countries in particular are badly polluted, and almost half of the population here is having profound effects of climate and environmental changes.

Second World Countries and Pollution

Also, Asian governments have failed to respond adequately to climate change, although the region's vulnerability to environmental and climate change demands that governments deploy all resources to protect their citizens while increasing the capacity of their government machinery.

As Asian governments realize that the region will be more affected by climate change in the future, the first priority should be to adopt the most effective methods of disaster risk reduction and protect human lives as much as possible. Two of the biggest threats are four, and with each passing day the global pressure on nations to improve the environment is increasing, which is impossible to avoid.

Therefore, complete control over climatic and environmental changes and natural disasters was not possible for humans and will never be; however, by taking precautionary measures, the possible fears of life and financial losses can be avoided as much as possible. Likewise, environmental pollution is also important.

And there is the constant threat; the question of how to control it is echoing in every mind today because of the serious problems that pollution brings with it. Controlling it is not a trivial matter, and its disadvantages are different; we are destroying our own environment, but the sad situation is that instead of finding a remedy, we are increasing the pollution.

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