MSc Electrical Engineering Technology |
- Accredited undergraduate degree in the relevant discipline from HEC recognized University.
- Candidates must have earned 16 years BSc/B.E/ B.Tech (Hons.) degree in the relevant disciplines in first division (60% of the annual System) or with at least CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 (Semester System).
- Relevant Disciplines For Electrical: Electrical/Electronics/Computer/Telecom. For Mechanical: Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics, Industrial, Energy, Marine, Ocean.
MSc Mechanical Engineering Technology |
- Accredited undergraduate degree in the relevant discipline from HEC recognized University.
- Candidates must have earned 16 years BSc/B.E/ B.Tech (Hons.) degree in the relevant disciplines in first division (60% of the annual System) or with at least CGPA 2.50 out of 4.00 (Semester System).
- Relevant Disciplines For Electrical: Electrical/Electronics/Computer/Telecom. For Mechanical: Mechanical, Automotive, Mechatronics, Industrial, Energy, Marine, Ocean.