The Savvy School, Punjab Society Campus

The Savvy School, Punjab Society Campus, is a notable addition to the esteemed Savvy School network, strategically located in a vibrant community to serve the educational needs of students in the region. Known for its commitment to fostering academic excellence and holistic development, the Punjab Society Campus provides a nurturing environment where students can thrive both academically and personally.

The school is dedicated to creating an inclusive atmosphere that values diversity and encourages every student to reach their full potential. At the Punjab Society Campus, the curriculum is thoughtfully designed to integrate international educational standards with local cultural values, ensuring a well-rounded and relevant educational experience.

The school offers a diverse range of subjects and extracurricular activities, including arts, sports, and technology, to cultivate various interests and talents in students. State-of-the-art facilities such as modern science and computer laboratories, a comprehensive library, and well-maintained sports grounds support the extensive academic and extracurricular programs. 

All Courses & Degrees

Course / Degree name Level Subject
Playgroup Pre-School General subjects in English Medium
Nursery Pre-School General subjects in English Medium
Kindergarten Level 1 Pre-School General subjects in English Medium
Kindergarten Level 2 Pre-School General subjects in English Medium
Primary (English-Medium) Primary General subjects in English Medium
Middle (English-Medium) Middle General subjects in English Medium
Upper Secondary Intermediate General subjects in English Medium
Matric (English-Medium) Secondary General subjects in English Medium