National College Of Information Technology, Virtual University

Virtual University, Faisalabad is a regional campus of the Virtual University of Pakistan, a public sector university established in 2000. It is Pakistan's first university based completely on modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs).

The Virtual University offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various disciplines, including computer science, information technology, education, business administration, and more.

The university's programs are designed to be delivered online, providing students with the flexibility to study at their own pace and from anywhere in the world. However, Virtual University Faisalabad also maintains a physical campus that provides students with access to computer labs, a library, and other learning resources in addition to the online learning platform.

The campus offers various student support services, potentially including academic advising, career counseling, and disability services.

All Courses & Degrees

Course / Degree name Level Subject
Bachelor Of Science In Computer Science Bachelors Computer Science
Bachelor Of Science In Information Technology Bachelors Information Technology
Bachelor Of Science In Software Engineering Bachelors Software Engineering
Bachelor Of Science In Mass Communication Bachelors Mass Communication
Bachelor Of Science In Economics Bachelors Economics
Bachelor Of Science In Applied Linguistics Bachelors English (Applied Linguistics)
Bachelor Of Science In Psychology Bachelors Psychology
Bachelor Of Science In Sociology Bachelors Sociology
Bachelor of Science In Business Administration Bachelors Business Administration
Bachelor of Business and Information Technology Bachelors Business and Information Technology
Bachelor Of Science In Commerce Bachelors Commerce
Bachelor Of Science In Public Administration Bachelors Public Administration
Bachelor Of Science in Bioinformatics Bachelors Bioinformatics
Bachelor Of Science in Biotechnology Bachelors Biotechnology
Bachelor Of Science In Zoology Bachelors Zoology
Bachelor Of Science In Mathematics Bachelors Mathematics
Associate Degree Program in Computer Science Bachelors Computer Science
Associate Degree Program in Computer Networking Bachelors Computer Networking
Associate Degree Program In Database Management System Associate Degree Program Database Management
Associate Degree Program In Web Design & Development Bachelors Web Design and Development
Associate Degree Program In Mass Communication Bachelors Mass Communication
Associate Degree Program In Psychology Associate Degree Program Psychology
Associate Degree Program In Commerce Associate Degree Program Commerce
Associate Degree Program In Business Administration Bachelors Business Administration
Associate Degree Program In Accounting and Finance Associate Degree Program Accounting & Finance
Associate Degree Program In Human Resource Management Bachelors Human Resource Management
Associate Degree In Operations Management Associate Degree Program Operations Management
Associate Degree Program In Sales and Marketing Associate Degree Program Marketing
Associate Degree Program In Supply Chain Management and Logistics Associate Degree Program Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Associate Degree In Early Childhood Care and Education Associate Degree Program Early Childhood Education
Associate Degree Program In Education Bachelors Education
Master of Computer Science Masters Computer Science
Master of Information Technology Masters Information Technology
Master Of Science In Applied Psychology Masters Applied Psychology
Masters Of Science In Organizational Psychology Masters Organizational Psychology
Master Of Science In Economics M.Phil Economics
Master Of Arts In English Language Teaching and Linguistics Masters English
Masters In Mass Communication Masters Mass Communication
Master of Business Economics Masters Business Economics
Master Of Finance Masters Finance
Master Of Science In Zoology Masters Zoology
Master Of Science In Statistics Masters Statistics
Master of Science In Mathematics Masters Mathematics
Master Of Public Administration Masters Public Administration
Master of Operations and Supply Chain Management Masters Supply Chain Management
Master of Human Resource Management Masters Human Resource Management
Master of Accounting Masters Accounting
Master of Education Masters Education
Master Of Accounting and Finance Masters Accounting & Finance
Master of Banking and Finance Law Masters Banking and Finance Law
Associate Degree Program In Islamic Banking Associate Degree Program Islamic Banking
Diploma In Applied Psychology Diploma Applied Psychology
Diploma In Television Production Diploma Television Production
Diploma In English Language Teaching Diploma English Language Teaching
Diploma in Linguistics Diploma English (Applied Linguistics)
Diploma In Computer Science Diploma Computer Science
Diploma of Information Technology Diploma Information Technology
Diploma of Science - Education Diploma Science Subjects
Diploma In Advanced Accounting Diploma Accounting
Diploma In Accounting and Finance Diploma Accounting & Finance
Diploma In Business Administration Diploma Business Administration
Diploma In Banking and Finance Diploma Banking & Finance
Diploma In Corporate Finance Diploma Finance
Diploma In Public Administration Diploma Public Administration
Diploma In Marketing Management Diploma Marketing
Diploma In Entrepreneurship and SME Management Diploma Entrepreneurship
Diploma In Human Resource Management Diploma Human Resource Management
Diploma In Molecular Biology Diploma Molecular Biology
Diploma In Bioinformatics Diploma Bioinformatics
Certificate In Human Resources Management Certificate Human Resource Management
Certificate In Banking and Finance Certificate Banking & Finance
Certificate In Management Certificate Management
Certificate In Marketing Certificate Marketing
Bachelor Of Education (Hons) Elementary Bachelors Elementary Education
Bachelor Of Education (Secondary) Bachelors Education
Bachelor of Education (Hons) In Early Childhood Care and Education Certificate Early Childhood Education