UET Approves New Degree Programs

UET Approves New Degree Programs
  • November 6, 2024
  • 582

Vice Chancellor Prof. Shahid Munir presided over the 235th meeting of the University of Engineering and Technology (UET) Academic Council, which authorized several of new programs. Heads of academic and administrative departments, the registrar, and faculty deans were among those present.

The council agreed with the Board of Studies' recommendations from the Computer Science Department to add new bachelor's programs in information technology, gaming and animation, applied computing, and information systems technology, as well as an associate's degree in computer engineering and information technology.

Following recommendations from the Board of the Faculty of Earth Sciences and Engineering, the council also authorized MSc and PhD programs in mineral processing within the Mining Engineering Department.

In addition to a Scheme of Studies for an associate degree in applied computers, a new Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences program was approved for the UET New Campus.

Morever, the council authorized an MSc in process plant management at UET Lahore based on suggestions from the Board of the Faculty of Chemical, Metallurgical, and Polymer Engineering. This includes the MSc programs in Safety, Health, and Process Plant Management at the New Campus, which offer distant learning with smart classrooms.

Finally, a Bachelor of Interior Design degree was given approval in accordance with the Board of the Faculty of Architecture and Planning's suggestions.

According to Prof. Munir, these efforts are meant to bring UET's curriculum into line with industry demands and educational developments, giving students the specific knowledge and useful skills they need to succeed in a variety of career fields and developing industries.

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