Punjab to introduce conceptual exams at SSC and HSC level

Punjab to introduce conceptual exams at SSC and HSC level
  • December 18, 2024
  • 121

Rana Sikandar Hayat, the minister of education for Punjab, stated on Tuesday that the government was making significant efforts to introduce conceptual tests in schools.

In this context, a task force has also been established by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz. Conceptual learning will enable our nation to compete in the contemporary world. He added, "The government will also start a teacher training program.

The minister spoke at a conceptual examination awareness event hosted by Kantab Publisher and the Rawalpindi Board of Intermediate Education (BISE) at Woman University Rawalpindi.

He claimed that the timing was right for hands-on learning.

"We will give our college and school administrators the authority to address any issues that teachers and students may be having." He claimed that within the following three months, problems at the education department would also be resolved.

HEC Chairman and Higher Education Secretary Dr. Farukh Naveed Chairman of the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed The meeting was attended by university chancellors, Dr. Naeem Khalid of Kantab Publisher, Mohammad Adnan, Chairman of the Lahore Board, Mian Zahid, and Chief Executive Officer Amanullah Khan of the District Education Authority.

Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed emphasized the value of educating youngsters and guiding them on the correct path.

Our youngsters have an abundance of talent, according to Dr. Naeem Khalid. Although we have turned our kids into parrots, they have learned to deal with new technology through conceptual learning.

Pakistan has prospects, he remarked. Although governments create policies, their execution is still pending. The most significant role is played by teachers, who bear a great deal of responsibility for the teaching and training of children.

We must combine our intermediate into A level and our matric into O level, he remarked.

"A change in the examination system is required. The nation's architects are its educators. A youngster who is tech-savvy should be ours. He stated, "We should raise kids who use contemporary technology."

Changes must be made to this educational system. We are unable to make our child self-sufficient using this educational approach. He declared, "The only era is the era of computers and robots."

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