Punjab imposes smog emergency throughout the province, masks mandatory for schools.

Punjab imposes smog emergency throughout the province, masks mandatory for schools.
  • November 2, 2023
  • 608

The worsening air quality has prompted the Punjab government to declare a smog emergency throughout the whole province.

Experts on environmental matters briefed Punjab Caretaker Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi, who presided over the meeting that resulted in the decision.

The meeting was advised that there would be minimal impact on smog reduction by closing schools and transportation. Rather, the government mandated that all students in both public and private schools wear masks for a whole month. Naqvi exhorted everyone to wear masks for their own health protection.

The chief minister gave provincial ministers instructions to visit schools and monitor the application of the mask policy. Additionally, he issued a warning that inappropriate disposal of dirt, sand, and trash during construction projects will result in legal action.

The government directed the municipal department, the Lahore Waste Management Company, and the commissioner of the Lahore division to put the new smog-fighting regulations into effect.

The government also mandated the dismissal of complaints made against farmers for allegedly burning crop waste, which is one of the main causes of Punjab's haze. Naqvi directed the department of homes to make sure that the leftover crop residues are appropriately disposed of and not burned. Additionally, he issued tough orders against factories and cars that release smoke.

When pollutants like nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) combine with sunlight, they produce ground-level ozone and airborne particulates, which are known as smog. Reduced sight, headaches, eye irritation, and respiratory issues can all be brought on by smog.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), transportation is responsible for 43% of Punjab's air pollution, with industry coming in second at 25% and agriculture coming in third at 20%. The research also stated that regional cooperation is necessary to address smog, which is a transboundary issue.

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