Opportunity: Consulting Services for Suki Kinari and Hazara HPP Transmission Lines

Opportunity: Consulting Services for Suki Kinari and Hazara HPP Transmission Lines
  • December 11, 2024
  • 141

Suki Kinari Hydropower Project (HPP) is being constructed in the Northern Areas of Pakistan. To disperse the power generated by this project, a 500kV DC Quad Bundle Transmission Line from Suki Kinari HPP to the 500kV Mariwala Switching Station is being constructed. Furthermore, for power dispersal from Hazara HPP, a 20 km 500kV DC Quad Bundle Transmission Line from Hazara HPP to the 500kV Mariwala Switching Station will be constructed. The power is then transmitted from the 500kV Mariwala Switching Station to the 500kV Islamabad West Substation through a 131 km 500kV DC Quad Bundle Transmission Line, which is the scope of work of this project. The transmission line will be constructed through NTDC's resources and under the requirements of the Bidding Documents. To ensure proper execution of the project and its associated specifications, the Employer intends to hire consultancy services for design review, construction supervision, and other allied activities of the consultancy services for the project.

Job Description

The job requires consultancy services for:

  1. Design review.
  2. Construction supervision.
  3. Allied activities including verification of contractor's works and testing/commissioning for:
    • Lot-1: 500kV DC Quad Bundle Transmission Line from Suki Kinari Switching Station to 500kV Islamabad West Substation (131 km approx.)
    • Lot-4: 500kV DC Quad Bundle Transmission Line from Hazara HPP to 500kV Mariwala Switching Station (20 km approx.)


  1. Conduct design review and ensure compliance with the technical specifications of the project.
  2. Supervise construction activities to maintain project quality and timelines.
  3. Verify contractor works as per the contractual requirements.
  4. Monitor and oversee the testing and commissioning of the transmission line.
  5. Provide technical guidance and recommendations to ensure project alignment with prescribed standards.


  1. Firms must have appropriate capabilities and experience to execute services as required in the Terms of Reference (Annex-2).
  2. Submit a Technical and Financial Proposal as per the RFP guidelines.
  3. Proposals must include the following documents:
    • Letter of Invitation.
    • General Information for Consultants (Annex-1).
    • Terms of Reference for Consultants (Annex-2).
    • Break-up of Input of Key Professionals (Annex-3).
    • Format of Technical Proposals (Annex-4).
    • Format for Financial Proposals (Annex-5).
    • Draft Contract Agreement for Consulting Services (Annex-6).

Apply Process:

  • Address: Chief Engineer (Material Procurement & Management), NTDC.
  • Phone: +92-42-99202597
  • Fax: +92-42-99202173
  • Email: cemm@ntdc.com.pk
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