Women's Education, Islam, and the Modern World.

- February 26, 2024
- 694
Niswan is derived from "Nasaa," which means "woman." Education is a process by which one generation transmits its cultural and informational heritage to the next generation. Without women, the stability and development of the human race are impossible. All the splendour and beauty of this universe come from a woman's participation.
According to Allama Iqbal:
The image of the universe comes from the existence of women. This is the source of life.
Women's education is very important in today's era. There is a common saying that men and women are the two wheels of a car, and equality is essential for both. If knowledge enlightens a man's intellect, then knowledge also ignites a woman's intellect. No society can progress until men and women are endowed with the jewel of education. Napoleon, the famous king of France, said: "Give me good mothers and I will give you the best nation."
Related Article: Iqbal's Philosophy and Today's Youth.
The social importance of women cannot be denied. It has its place in the construction of society and plays an important role in every sphere of life. Women have also participated alongside men in developing all the ancient and modern societies in the world. Almost half of the world's population consists of women.
And without their balanced participation in society, the desired development cannot take place and this is possible only through women's education.
The basis of any civilized society comes from the women, but the condition is that the woman is educated. Therefore, it is very important for every human being to be educated, but it is also very important for the mother to be educated because the lives of nations depend on her. If the father is educated, he can support his family in the best way, but if the mother is educated, she can make the whole family and the coming generations civilized through education and order. An educated woman makes the home system happy and can run with style. She can very well turn their faults into virtues. A mother's lap is the child's first training ground. So its importance is clear. A child first learns from its mother. Therefore, we see that the basic moral values that children learn from their homes stay with them throughout their lives.
Only an educated woman can indeed take the path of national development. History also testifies to us that those nations achieved success whose women were polite and educated. These women are the real capital of the nation.
In ancient civilizations, the importance of women's education was negligible. She was treated like a slave. In Europe and America, women did not have basic rights until the 20th century. The man was the possessor of all rights and the woman was deprived of her basic human rights. They were treated like animals. The Greeks considered women more dangerous than snakes; she was called the daughter of lies and the enemy of peace.
With the advent of Islam, the position and rights of women were determined; they were considered human beings and given the right to live. Along with other rights, education was also declared a mandatory duty. At this point in history, human civilization has reached its perfection.
There are women of high character in our history, like Razia Sultana, Haba Khatun and Fatima Jinnah, who contributed to the welfare of humanity through knowledge and wisdom.
The purpose of women's education is not to make them work in factories like men. The main objective of feminist education is to develop educational skills in women and enable them to build their home lives along the right lines. Education aims to create a lamp in their lives.
A major obstacle to Pakistan's development is the lack of "Feminine Education." Compared to educated women, uneducated women are more prone to ignorance in the name of superstition and customs.
By considering all the aspects related to women's education, it is concluded that the real jewel of a woman is education. But this education should not only be secular but also religious. Therefore, it is important that in the same way, we educate boys, girls should also be educated so that they have proper training, awareness is awakened and their abilities can also come out.