Some Shocking Facts About The Bohemian Grove: An Elite Mysterious Club.

Some Shocking Facts About The Bohemian Grove: An Elite Mysterious Club.
  • March 13, 2024
  • 1803

The Bohemian Grove, or Bohemian Club, is an all-male club in northern California, an hour from San Francisco. Covering 2700 acres of redwood forest. Like pine trees, redwoods are towering evergreens with sturdy trunks that yield cones. Redwoods grow throughout Oregon, central and northern California, and the tallest is 380 feet. Up to 2,000 years. Groves are smaller than forests. 

An annual “men’s retreat” draws one to two thousand US and international business and political elite men. Bohemian Club members cannot be women. Starting in mid-July and ending in late July, the “retreat” lasts two weeks. The club's emblem is an owl, which symbolises wisdom since it can see in the dark. Some claim a 40–45-foot concrete owl monument at the Bohemian Grove resembles the devil because it has horns. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the owl represents "death, night, cold, and passivity," according to Mark Dice. He also notes that a tiny owl is hidden in the design of the American one-dollar bill, “perched on the upper left corner of the frame that surrounds the ‘1’ located in the upper right-hand corner.” These things cannot be random and unrelated. 

Annual Bohemian Grove invites are distributed in April. Phillip Weiss, a journalist invited in 1989, wrote in Spy Magazine that Bohemian Club presidents have traditionally invited men to the Grove to celebrate the season. the dreadful mysteries! Come Bohemians! Return home to the Grove! Burn Care and swirl his ashes from our glade! Bohemians, come! Come play with all the youthful energy! President George Elliott wrote rather drily, ‘Around campfires large and small, a warm welcome awaits you. I heard him call, "Of course you must be with us." 

What occurs in the Grove and why are these men here? While the responses supplied by attendees may not please the analytical, everyone who wants to hold a high post in the US must first come here. Some hecklers asked Bill Clinton about the Bohemian Club. Did you say Bohemian Club? All those affluent Republicans stand nude against the redwoods there, right? I've never been to the Bohemian Club, but you should. It benefits you. Clinton breached a taboo by discussing the Bohemian Club. No leader, Democrat or Republican, has broken the taboo. The mainstream media has made note of this and the Bilderberg Group taboo.

Alex Jones, his team, and Channel 4 infiltrated the Bohemian Grove. He recorded what happened using a covert camera. World leaders from around the world, Prime Ministers, Chancellors, Presidents, heads of industry, academia, the media, Hollywood, and only a select few—a little over 2,000 people—travel there to engage in bizarre, ancient Canaanite Luciferian Babylon mystery religion ceremonies.” This was rumoured until July 15, 2000, when Alex Jones and his team filmed some of the bizarre activity on the Bohemian Grove. Search YouTube for "Alex Jones Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove." 

Human effigies are sacrificed at the altar of a 40-foot (or 42-foot) stone owl. The two-week vacation begins with this sacrifice. Alex Jones says, "Frankly, we do not know if each of these men actively enjoys bohemian club activities. But one thing is certain from the evidence: they are forced to go, entertain, and participate in these activities if they want to be elevated to the highest levels of the geopolitical structure.” What anonymous powers are so strong that they force aspiring leaders to perform the Bohemian Grove rituals? The secret Satanic High Cabal Churchill mentioned during WWII is the only candidate. 

Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon sit together in a 1967 Grove photo. Both became US presidents. Reagan was California governor. Reagan told Spy Magazine's Phillip Weiss in 1989 that he had promised Nixon he wouldn't fight him for the 1968 Republican primary in 1967. Nixon stated in his autobiography that his visit to the Bohemian Grove led to his 1968 presidency. The Grove hosted Gen. Eisenhower two years before he became president. Nixon said Gen. Eisenhower's Grove speech impressed the establishment, clearing the path for his presidency. Alan Greenspan left the Bohemian Grove before becoming Fed chairman. The Grove decided on his appointment. Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoirs that 'a hundred men—editors, publishers, public officials and others from all over the country—who were at the Grove came to my camp demanding that I announce my candidature'. Alex Jones said the entire U.S. top federal government officials and the Federal Reserve are “infested” by Bohemians. 

Lakeside discussions are another summer retreat highlight. William Domhoff said in his 1974 book “The Bohemian Grove and Other Retreats”: “The ease with which the Bohemian Grove is able to attract speakers for no remuneration other than the amenities of the encampment attests to the club's status in higher circles. He states that “cabinet officers, politicians, generals and governmental advisors are the rule” for Lakeside talks, particularly for Senator Robert Taft, Lucius Clay (military and business), Earl Warren (Supreme Court), former California Republican Governor Goodwin J. Knight, and former California Democrat Governor Pat Brown. Foreign speakers attend. Russian scientist Roald Sagdeev, a Soviet Supreme Council of Deputies member, addressed Henry Kissinger and others in 1989.

In his 2015 book “The Bohemian Grove: Facts and Fiction,” Mark Dice says he got a list of members from a former Bohemian Club staffer. “Included every Republican President since 1923, many cabinet officials, directors and CEOs of large corporations and major financial institutions and top military brass,” he says. Other significant names include Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, and David Rockefeller, although Dice does not include them. Former Bohemian Club members include “Teddy” Roosevelt, Mark Twain, J.P. Morgan, Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover, and others. Sometimes British leaders like John Major and Tony Blair visit the Bohemian Grove. German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt attended the Bohemian Grove. 

The Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care is a major rite. After dusk, elite figures gather for two weeks. They burn an effigy of “care” (their anxieties) at the foot of the enormous stone owl. According to Mark Dice, close-up images of the effigy taken by a former employee show that it has two limbs and two legs and is adult-sized. The burning ceremony comprises a theatrical reading of a long declaration, to which "Care" answers. 

The mysterious High Priest says, "The Owl is in His green sanctuary. Those organising this event clearly venerate the owl as a holy being. All current, including future and former US presidents, prime ministers, etc., must venerate the owl! It takes almost 20 minutes to read a statement from start to finish. We thank you, Great Owl of Bohemia, for your affection! Alex Jones' 2:02-hour YouTube upload from 1 hour 20 to 1 hour 40 shows the entire event. 

Artists, newspapermen, authors, and others who wanted to escape the West Coast's “backwardness” and Christian influence founded the Bohemian Club in Sonoma County near Monte Rio in 1873. Monte Rio has about 1,000 people. These folks also liked the occult, according to club records! Bohos—Bohemian Groverists—are patronised by Saint John of Nemopuk. His confessions were said to have come from the Queen of Bohemia in the 1300s. She betrayed her husband, Bohemia's king. Saint John denied the King's request for her confessions and was slain. In the Bohemian Club woodland, a figure of Saint John of Nemopuk holds his index finger over his mouth to be silent. Bohos must do it regarding Bohemian Grove events. 

Since 2,000 men from the top of the global power pyramid live here for two weeks a year, each camp has its own living quarters, kitchen and bar for eating and drinking. Texas corporate elites, bankers, and politicians live in Hill Billies. Because of his Texas accent, Alex Jones lied and claimed to be with the Hill Billies when security at the Grove examined him. The Mandalay camp houses past presidents and other political leaders. Defence contractors and military executives use the Owls Nest. Stowaways is the Rockefellers' and other oilmen's camp. George Bush Sr., Henry Kissinger, and Dick Cheney attended the Bohemian Grove in 2000 while Alex Jones filmed. 

Mark Dice notes that the Bohemian Club is an IRS-registered 501(c)7. Tax-exempt clubs must reveal their financial information to the public. Dice obtained these data and reports that in 2013, the club made over $10 million and paid staff wages over $3 million. Around 2.97 million dollars went to “other expenses,” including food, alcohol, power, building upkeep, insurance, etc. 

Former Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and Clinton advisor David Gergen resigned from the Bohemian Club on June 11, 1993, according to the Washington Post. He promised not to run naked at Bohemian Grove a few days before resigning. He quit seventeen other groups, including the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the Council on Foreign Relations. It appears that some Bohos run naked during the two-week "retreat." They have been known to urinate on redwood trees, even when the washrooms are just metres away! 

In the foreword to Mike Hanson's Bohemian Grove book, Texe Marrs writes: “Imagine hundreds of men—the President of the U.S., a few guest Prime Ministers, Premiers or Chancellors from foreign countries, an assortment of oil company titans, Hollywood actors, the heads of corporate giants like IBM, Bechtel, Halliburton, Bank of America, etc., the Secretaries of State and Defence, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, and the list goes on—cavorting about For two weeks, these men drink heavily, relax, attend special speeches, and schmooze. Insiders say gay link-ups are regular, and the lust-filled, perverted participants show no shame in pairing in plain sight. Richard Nixon dubbed it "the most faggy goddamned thing you could ever imagine!" He knew about the Grove's open homosexuality. These dudes rule the world! Texe Marrs learned about Bohemian Grove from a CIA agent. 

David Icke claims Bohemian Grove kid sacrifices are genuine. Victims describe child abuse at the Grove. Lawyer and Congressman John W. DeCamp wrote "Franklin Cover-up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" about horrific and Satanic child abuse instances, some of which are carried out by deep U.S. intelligence organisations to create split personalities. Paul Bonacci, who was taken as a youngster and sexually abused in Washington, D.C., was arrested to keep him from coming out. DeCamp represented him. 

The Bohemian Club slogan is “Weaving spiders, come not here.” Orwellian doublespeak. All global domination, Satanism, the One World Slave State, and other schemes are conceived here. Even the atom bomb project began in Bohemian Grove, archives show. Many believe the owl to be revered as representing the Pagan god Moloch, Molech, or Molekh. Phoenicians and Canaanites sacrificed children at Moloch. “This horrifying ritual involved building a fire at the base of the Molech idol, which had its arms extended over the fire pit, and then having the village priest lift up the firstborn son of a couple and place him in the beast's arms, burning the child alive. Many think this inspired the Cremation of Care ritual.”

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