Sociology: The Science of Society and Social Consciousness.

Sociology: The Science of Society and Social Consciousness.
  • December 27, 2023
  • 698

The famous Greek philosopher Vasanasdan Aristotle said, "Man is a social animal by nature, which cannot exist without society." If one keeps himself alienated from society, he is either a beast or a  god." The French philosopher Rousseau, in his social treatise, gave priority to the individuality of the individual and said, "Nature created him free but society bound him in chains." While living in society, human beings have some duties and social responsibilities, out of which sociology has been born.

What is sociology?

The study of society is called sociology, while in English it is called sociology, which is a combination of two words: socio (society) and logy (knowledge). Sociology is one of the social sciences, which aims to study human life and the relationships between them in a scientific manner. Psychology, anthropology, economics, political science, ethnic studies such as African-American studies, Indo-Pak studies, Asia-Pacific studies and the study of culture generally fall within the scope of sociology. Therefore, all the sciences related to the social life of a human being are embraced in sociology. What are the basic characteristics of any society and what are the psychological, anthropological, economic, political and religious factors in its rise and fall? In light of these factors, sociologists offer their recommendations and suggestions for the welfare, development and expansion of society.

Scope and Implications of Sociology

From the point of view of civil society, we develop mutual love and brotherhood by understanding and respecting the cultural values of society. By knowing the different sections of society, they become aware of innovation. Religious values are developed by studying religion. By knowing the psychology of crimes, they try to improve the situation. It emphasizes positive values by studying the causes of social and political movements. The study of urban sociology overcomes obstacles by finding bright prospects for industry and knowledge.

Role of Sociologists

Sociologists are called think tanks for research institutions that support child welfare, women's rights, access to health and education, and free trade. Ibn Khaldun is a grat name in the field of Sociology. IIt's case and history has been valuable in interpreting the characteristics of Islamic society. Ibn Khaldun has the status of a classic in Islamic sociology, while in the West, Karl Marx, Emile Durkheim and Max Weber have emphasized the importance of action, belief and freedom in the stability of society.

Countries around the world are bound together in various cultural and religious ties, in which other ties thrive under wealth-based economic interests. Along with political, economic and cultural networks, human capital also plays a fundamental role in this. This is the reason why sociologists are always needed in a society. Sociologists are the mirrors of society.

Career opportunities in sociology

Since sociology is the scientific study of society, there are always vacancies for sociologists in the research field. To become a social scientist, it is necessary to obtain a BA, MA or PhD degree, where you can develop analytical thinking in journalism, politics, public relations, business administration, law, education, and medicine. One can also pursue a career in professions such as social work and counseling. In the case of PhD and MA degrees, you can provide services as a researcher and clinical sociologist.

Sociology Education in Pakistan

Various colleges, universities and institutes across Pakistan offer bachelor's and master's degrees in sociology. After Post-BS, MS and PhD Sociology, you can join as a demographer, journalist, consultant, field worker, planner, civil servant, writer, Analyst and relationship officer.

Under the five-year undergraduate degree program in Sociology in Pakistan, the subjects and syllabus include Introduction to Sociology, Classical Sociological Theories, Social Psychology, Sociology, Sociology of Culture, Research Methods, NGO Management, Introductory Demography, Sociology of Development (Sociology of Development). , social issues of Pakistan, gender studies, sociology of social work, population, aging and society, sociology of globalization, peace and conflict studies, and computer applications.

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