Quantum Physics and the Near Future of the Universe.

- February 23, 2024
- 1016
Quantum physics describes the behavior of the universe at very small scales, such as atoms and tiny particles. It gives scientists and engineers a new and deeper understanding of physical reality. It explains the mechanisms of electrons, atoms and molecules. In physics, quantum theory refers to the explanation of the particles (electrons, protons, neutrons, etc.) that make up matter and how these particles interact with each other and with energy.
Quantum physics describes the movement of atoms at very sub-levels within matter. Semiconductors, transistors, computers and plastics are the results of the insights of quantum physics. Quantum physics, along with many other advances in physics in the 20th century, has the potential to greatly advance human society, especially nuclear fusion, which has made it possible to produce enormous amounts of energy, but also because of nuclear weapons. There is also the risk of human catastrophe.
According to science, it is impossible to suddenly bring any matter into existence, nor can any matter be annihilated. "Nothing is created, nothing is destroyed; all things change their nature or form." The founder of modern alchemy, scientist Louis Lavoisier, gave a theory about the indestructibility of matter, but at the quantum level, it is different.
"It's possible to create energy from space for a short period of time," says Christina Benny Chelms, a fellow in applied physics at Harvard University. It happens suddenly. We cannot determine when it will happen, but it happens." Benny Chelms observed this moment of appearing and disappearing during an experiment. In quantum terms, when we talk about time and space, we use nanometric scales (which can measure a billionth of a meter) and very short-period oscillating waves that can be measured (i.e., one billionth of a second).
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To conduct this experiment, the researchers created a 'perfect vacuum', which was completely free from the effects of light and temperature. They did this by reducing the temperature to minus 269 degrees Celsius, i.e., almost 'absolute zero temperature' and eliminating the possibility of any form or entity of light that could contaminate this 'pure atmosphere'.
"A perfect vacuum can only go so close; we can't go any further," says Benny Gemels.
Inside this device, they installed a special detector crystal that responded to the appearance and disappearance of waves in absolute space. Absolute space is what is left after matter and electromagnetic radiation have disappeared.
By observing the changing properties of this crystal as waves appear and disappear, Benny Chelms and his team were able to measure the waves in the electromagnetic field. In conventional physics, 'vacuum' is the environment where no matter exists. But this is not recognized in quantum theory. Even then, for a very brief moment in this absolute space, particles, wave fluctuations, and energy exist in such minute quantities and invisibility that they are currently impossible to measure.
Due to the fluctuations of these waves in space, the sudden and spontaneous existence of faint light occurs when an atom is annihilating. By measuring waves in this way, a great advance in this field of knowledge is possible.
Although Benny Chelms admits that we are still a long way from understanding these phenomena in a big way, they may now help to unravel the mysteries of quantum physics and the invisible particles that make up energy.
Atoms and sub-atomic levels are constantly moving and changing, which is one thing quantum physics has demonstrated. The exchange of particles, the transfer of electrons from one atom to another, and the exchange of energy and matter all serve to connect atoms. The main point of this theory is that change is a gradual process rather than a continuous one.