Iqbal's Philosophy and Today's Youth.

- December 29, 2023
- 2249
If the youth are the first force in setting any movement, revolution or era on a new path, then no one can stop history from changing. That's why the Muslims of India started aligning in search of a new land.
Allama Muhammad Iqbal, the dreamer of Pakistan, was born on November 9, 1877 (according to 3 Dhu Qadah 1294 AH) in Sialkot in the house of Sheikh Noor Muhammad. His parents gave him the name Muhammad Iqbal. He took a keen interest in highlighting the plight of Indian Muslims under British rule. In 1922, he was awarded the title of Sir. In 1926, Iqbal was elected to the Punjab Legislative Assembly and became closer to the All-India Muslim League. He actively participated in the struggle for a free homeland for Muslims against the biased politics of Congress.
Iqbal also tried to convey his thoughts to the minds of the youth and lit the candles for the young generation, in the light of which the youth laid the foundation of a new era and society. Iqbal knew that the youth of any nation not only have the capacity to accept any message, but they do not consider any compromise. In fact, Allama Muhammad Iqbal had complete faith in the youth.
He realized that the reins of the future are in the hands of the young generation; if they are made civilized, talented, educated and enlightened in the right sense, then the coming tomorrow will be bright; otherwise, this nation will be in darkness. No one can stop them from going astray. He had concern for the youth in his heart and mind. He used to express it many times and also wanted the pain and feelings of the nation to arise in them.
The efforts made by poet Mashreq for the awareness of the youth through his poems and thoughts, as a result, had such a fascinating effect on the Muslim youth that they became a unit with courage, perseverance, and enthusiasm and demanded a separate state. They became a rock and fought such a struggle that they breathed a sigh of relief only after getting a separate homeland for themselves.
Iqbal and Shaheen
In many of his poems, Iqbal compared Muslim youth to Shaheen. He wished that the youth should develop qualities like the Shaheen, that they should fly high like the Shaheen, i.e., their goals should be high, and that their eyes could see far like the Shaheen, and they would be able to see situations with the quality of foresight. Be able to anticipate and plan. Young people should rely on their hard work and efforts, live with the expectation of Allah's help and support and always keep in mind that Shaheen never gets tired of flying.
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Iqbal and today's youth
Today, if seen, the young generation is more fond of Western civilization away from Iqbal. Iqbal's Shaheen, instead of finding their destination on the paths of self-interest, are moving in a different direction. The question arises whether Hazrat Allama Muhammad Iqbal's poetry was only for the youth of that era. This is not the case; Iqbal's thoughts are a beacon for every generation, for today's generation and for generations to come, because Iqbal never wanted our generation to imitate the West, but he wanted us to adopt the lives of our ancestors. Create an ideal. Iqbal knew that the outward glitter of Western civilization leads to material progress but leaves spiritual values behind, whereas our Islamic civilization and the lives of our forefathers show the ways of human well-being and sustainable spiritual progress.
Iqbal and the Philosophy of Self
Among the thoughts and ideas that Iqbal conveyed to the youth, the philosophy of self is very important, which Iqbal wanted to make an integral part of the youth's life. Self-philosophy is so deep that it can be explained in many books and even today, its interpretations are valued because this philosophy does not require verbal accumulation but real action. Iqbal also said for today's youth, Self-absorbed, this is life. Get out of the circle of dusk and dawn and become immortal. However, we find it sad that our country was unable to comprehend Iqbal's poetry today due to the cycle of morning and evening. We have left behind Iqbal's soul-stirring poetry; we teach "lab pe aati hai dua" in our educational institutions, but we are unable to understand its meaning and practice it. We should follow the philosophy of selfhood and develop qualities like Shaheen in ourselves to succeed in life.
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