HEC Degree Attestation: Applicant Registration, Fee and Much More.

HEC Degree Attestation: Applicant Registration, Fee and Much More.
  • December 19, 2023
  • 2177

HEC is a national education body that regulates all the education institutes in Pakistan. To oversee educational integrity and take action to raise educational standards, a Parliamentary Act established it in 2002. HEC degree attestation soon started after its operations and it accelerated the educational progress. It's a one-time process and your HEC-attested degree is valid for a lifetime.

It is crucial to follow the right attestation process, whether you are a professional or a student looking to have your degrees, diplomas, or certificates certified by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Degree attestation from HEC, the top regulatory organization for higher education in Pakistan, is highly valued both domestically and globally. We will guide you through the process step-by-step in this post about having your degrees certified by HEC.

Fill out an Online Application
The online application process at http://eservices.hec.gov.pk is the initial stage in the degree attestation procedure. It is required that the online application be completed completely and precisely. You'll get an email and SMS confirmation as soon as the application is submitted.

You must complete the necessary paperwork in order to continue with the attestation. The "degree attestation" tab on the HEC website has a list of required documents.

Among the documents are:

Application Form

  • Original documents, including transcripts, from matriculation onward
  • A copy of your passport (if you're a foreign national) or your computerized national identity card (CNIC)
  • Copy of enrollment or accreditation with the appropriate professional association or council (for degrees in medicine and nursing)
  • A copy of the father's name from an earlier CNIC or Nikkahnama is required for female candidates who have changed their names after marriage or who have substituted their husband's name for their father's.
  • For HEC's record-keeping needs, you will also want a set of photocopies of all the aforementioned documents.

Send a Courier Request
HEC will send you an e-mail and an SMS after your application has been successfully reviewed. At this point, you will be instructed to use a courier service to submit your case or make an appointment for a walk-in urgent submission.

You must get a Challan Form and pay the Attestation Fee at a specified bank in order to submit an urgent document in person. There is an original document cost of Rs. 1,000 and a photocopy price of Rs. 700 per photocopy. The fee is Rs7,000 for the attestation of one degree and transcript at this present time.

You must attach the courier receipt to the necessary documents if you decide to use a courier service to submit your case.

Processing Time
After submitting your application and supporting documentation in person or by courier, you will need to wait for HEC to handle your request. The number of applications may have an impact on the processing time.

To prevent any delays, don't forget to double-check the necessary paperwork and costs before submitting your application. Your academic achievements will gain greater credibility and you will be able to take advantage of new prospects once your degrees have been attested by HEC.

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