Careers In The Banking Industry: Potential Job Opportunities In Pakistan.

- January 25, 2024
- 1133
Now that banking has gone digital, cash transactions and payment of utility bills, etc. are easily done through the internet or bank apps, but despite all these conveniences, the importance of the traditional method of banking is still there. The banking sector plays a very important role in the economy of Pakistan, which, on the one hand, is the custodian of people's funds and, on the other hand, provides loans to the needy.
That's why today we will give some guidance regarding a career in banking.
Banking Structure
From a small branch of a bank to the head office, every bank has a management structure in which people of different abilities work together at every level, from the custodian to the head of the bank. It is the most important and functional unit of any bank and is the basic element of the banking structure. A branch of a bank has a branch manager, the head of the branch, who, along with a team of subordinate officers and other staff, looks after the interests of their account holders and their bank and provides banking services.
Bank branches are of different nature, and the working environment is also different. Branches located in major commercial and business centers of big cities are spacious, clean, computerized, and equipped with automatic machines and equipment. Counters are set up for customers and staff serve them behind a glass wall. Automated cameras, alarms and other devices are installed for security. Bank branches are everywhere in the country and abroad, so officers and employees can be assigned away from home.
Coordination between branch officers and workers is very important for running. Since banking is a field that provides services to people, being cheerful and pleasant can help you in your career.
This sector is a source of interest for the youth who are interested in financial affairs and transactions. The most important work of a bank is to look after the funds of its account holders, keep accounts, exchange funds, provide coins and notes and provide loans to people according to their needs. In addition to these services, banks provide foreign exchange to citizens, act as executors and trustees of wills on behalf of their account holders, provide advice on all types of financial matters and collect utility bills and school fees.
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Banking Education in Pakistan
There are more than 25 colleges of commerce education in Pakistan. The basic qualification to enter the banking sector as an officer is graduation. Preference will be given to graduates from commerce colleges with a B.Com. Like the growing trend of competition in other professions, competition in banking is also becoming tougher day by day. Preference is given to first-division holders throughout their academic careers. It is important for the youth entering the banking sector not to fail at any stage of their academic life.
Management Trainee
Young people are often taken on as trainee officers in the banking sector. After being selected as a trainee officer, they have to undergo at least one year of training in the training centres established by the banks. This training takes place in different stages. Here they are detailed on important subjects like accounting, banking laws, economics and foreign exchange laws. Practical training is also organised in this training programme, in which practical training is given in various branches and offices of banks. Here also, the attempt is that the officer under training himself observes something and directly faces the difficulties encountered in the practical field; thus, he will also get training to deal with all such problems. This training programme includes menial tasks such as issuing tokens, filing documents and various other clerical tasks. It is for this reason that when an officer is formally posted to a branch after the completion of training, he finds himself able to move forward and progress with his seniors.
Privileges and opportunities
There are many commercial banks currently operating in Pakistan, so there are many opportunities for growth in this sector and when there is growth, the perks will also increase. Along with job security in banks, employees get easy installments for housing and other personal needs. Loans, medical facilities for families, annual and other general leave and retirement pensions are available. Domestic and foreign banks and other financial institutions also offer attractive salaries and benefits.