Balancing study and part-time work: Here are Some Tips.

- October 25, 2023
- 633
How do you mix employment, school, and social life while studying as an undergraduate?
Most colleges have job shops or promote part-time work through their career services because many students need to work to pay for school. The coronavirus may reduce student jobs, but some will remain. Rest certain, working part-time while studying will boost your graduate career possibilities. Learn how to reconcile part-time employment with life with these recommendations.
Prioritize Important Things
There are many times demands in university: studying, joining student groups, playing sports, socializing with friends, and applying for internships and graduate jobs. Determine your priorities and prioritize them. The most important: good grades? Changing interests through student societies? Been with friends? Or extending your loan?
With this list, you can decide how much time to spend on each activity. Your finances, for instance, are private. You may be able to work part-time or intern during the vacations and study and socialize during term time. You may work one or two shifts a week during term time to squeeze in rugby practice and a game on top of your education.
Review and alter your priorities regularly. For instance, you may cut back on other obligations before tests. Be realistic about your goals and arrange downtime.
Next, manage your time to maintain priorities. Schedule crucial lectures, assignment deadlines, work dates and times, and social engagements on a phone app or paper diary and wall calendar. Check your full week and schedule study and relaxation time.
Zero-hour contract work may be difficult but try to establish a routine and avoid working during lectures or tutorials. Try scheduling your most critical tasks around the time of day when you are most productive, awake, and attentive, whether you are a morning lark or a night owl.
Inform Everyone
There will be moments when studies must trump a part-time job. If you work normal hours, notify your employer as soon as possible that you will need more time and negotiate a solution.
University personnel understand that money is tight and that students must work. If you're having trouble completing schoolwork on time, talk to your tutor right away. We can extend deadlines in special cases.
Prepare CV
Student CVs with part-time work impress recruiters. Part-time work shows time management, work ethic, proactivity, and commitment. All part-time employment exposes you to the workplace and improves your interpersonal skills. Part-time occupations that involve customers will teach you client management, for example.
Write down your part-time employment abilities and achievements (e.g., teamwork, organization, customer service, understanding new systems) periodically. Note any numbers, such as daily client volume. Use them to highlight your part-time work on your CV.
Take Care of Yourself
Do what you can and don't promise too much or others won't understand your demands again. You can run around for so long, but you need to sleep. There are only 24 hours in a day and seven days in a week, so relax. Your physical and emotional well-being comes first.
If you still have questions, contact student services or student assistance at your university. Specially qualified counselors can help you manage your budget and debt. They may offer unexpected possibilities.